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Personal support on your path to freedom

Are you feeling anxious or confused? 

Searching for pain relief or peace of mind?

Stuck in negative, repetitive cycles?


The path of self-transformation often feels
lonely and overwhelming. But that's only when you
the proper support systems.

you see,

The real power lies in partnerships.


Why do people form business partnerships?


Why do athletes have coaches?


Your partner or coach knows you best. They share your vision and can see your true potential. 


They encourage you to show up, point out your blind spots and keep you inspired along the way. 


"Your partner is your greatest asset."

As we embark on this adventure, you can think of me as your personal guide. 

One who has traveled the terrain before and knows the obstacles along the way.

I will guide you safely across the raging rivers and show you

the best route up the mountain.

Designed with you in mind.

3 Programs

Optimal Health

Identity, purpose & direction

Consistency & accountability

In these programs we navigate your journey together.

This dual collaboration offers you a personalized path to freedom and provides

you with a constant feeling of fulfillment as you finally create

the life you were born to live.

My Backstory



One year later, at rock bottom, I met my teacher by divine intervention. She had personally overcome the impossible and was prepared to teach me how to do it for myself. She showed me a new dimension to human psychology and opened my eyes to the truth of the world we live in. With this new knowledge, suddenly the gap between western and eastern psychology was bridged and everything finally made sense!



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Now, 4 years later I live in remission; having a body that is filled with vitality and a mind that rests at peace. 

I have embodied my teachers practices, refined the knowledge she gave me and now I am ready to share it with you. 



After years of competitive swimming, my body finally gave up and a rare auto-immune disease (Multiple Sclerosis) took hold of me. I was terrified because my body was deteriorating fast and doctors were offering me little hope - telling me it was incurable.


At this time, I was busy finishing off my degree in psychology and desperately needed to understand what was going on inside of myself. But even with the help of my therapist, western psychology seemed to have its limits. 

Within 10 days, I had untangled my chaotic mind, read between the lines and watched in amazement as my body started to heal itself. 



"Within the few months I have worked with Tim, I have learned so much about myself, my emotions and the way in which my mind works. I feel confident in myself and the path I am on.
It is great to have him as a constant in my life."

Daniel R.


Which journey are you on?

Optimal Health?

Identity, purpose & direction?

Consistency & accountability?

These programs blend traditional therapy calls with natural and spiritual principles, giving you an understanding of what is really going on in your reality and uniting you with the true power that lies within.

The Natural Journey to

Health & Wellness 

Healing starts from within. Treat the cause, not the symptom.

  • Does mental or physical pain prevent you from living your life?   

  • Have you been told that western medicine is the only way forward?

  • Does it feel like nobody understands your suffering? 

  • Are you curious about natural self-healing?







The ‘Health & Wellness’ program is for those wanting to regain confidence in their physical, mental and emotional health. 


When enrolled in the program, you will receive weekly 1-on-1 calls during which I provide you with tools, accountability and a personalized game plan to ensure your victory.




Imagine knowing the source of your pain and how to relieve it!​


How would your life change if you had peace of mind and

ease within your body?



It's all on the other side of believing that it’s possible.



If you’re done waiting, wishing and wondering if change is possible…

Now is the time to take that first step and invest in yourself.


You are worth it.​


February Applications 


When submitted, I will contact you with regards to price plans and availability.

Thanks for submitting!






The ‘Self-Discovery’ program is for those who are ready to embrace their unique journey and create a life they are inspired to live.


When enrolled in the program, you will receive weekly 1-on-1 calls during which I provide you with tools, accountability and a personalized game plan to ensure your victory.




Are you willing to embrace your true, authentic self and stop living to please others?


Imagine waking up each day with clarity, confidence and a deep

sense of purpose!​​


When standing in your true power, life happens through you,

instead of to you.​


It’s time to celebrate your unique journey and step into the role as

the leader of your own life.​​​


The time is now.​​


  • ​​ Is this the life you truly want, or the one others have told you to live?   

  •  If your life ended tomorrow, would you feel satisfied with how you lived it?

  •  When was the last time you felt aligned with your purpose on earth?

The Path of


To have confidence, you need to know exactly who you are.




February Applications 


When submitted, I will contact you with regards to price plans and availability.

Your application was submitted!


Pure Accountability

You came here to evolve - which requires you to take action.

Consistent action comes when we are held accountable.  

The journey of




The ‘Pure Accountability’ is a program for those who are determined to reach their goals and are prepared to put in the work to get there.


Through our 1-on-1 accountability calls, we solidify a step by step process, to ensure that you will arrive at your destination.



What if stepping out of your comfort-zone was the best

choice you ever made?


Imagine this, you finally took action, did the thing

you were meant to do and now you're

living your fullest life!


It's time to jump onto the destiny train - no need to settle for fate.


I will make sure you implement the patterns you know you need and

keep you on track while you embrace the path of excellence.​​​



Let's take this first step together.



  • What is the cost of staying in your comfort-zone?

  • Do you struggle to complete your goals

  • Do you have unfinished projects due to being sidetracked by life? 

  • Do you feel like you’re drifting through life instead of leading it?

February Applications 


When submitted, I will contact you with regards to price plans and availability.

Your application was submitted!

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